Creating a criteria to rank the best football leagues in Europe
The best League in the world is an endless argument. Join us now in an objective attempt to rank the leagues based on Specific standards. Phase one: "Ranking Attributes" Questionaire.
In the following Questionaire I Listed some factors that contributes in creating the league image and quality. Feel free to suggest any other additions by posting it in the comment session. We will take it in consideration in the following stages. I listed some of the Europian leagues in this questionaire but its strongly important to note that excluding any league does not mean that its not on the same standard. Thats why we included the option "Others" whenever possible. This is the first draft, and more to come. Click the link below and lets kick off!
Nice to see you back doing what you love and are good at, Ramzi :)
The survey looks very interesting. Congratulations.
Thanx. Soon you will find a ramble for Totalbarca in your mailbox. May be a New year event at the beginning of 2010 :D